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Shower Dimensions: Standard Shower Size

When it comes to your bathroom, it’s important to know the average and standard sizes of each thing before you get started with your plans. One of these “things” is a shower. Shower size matters for a few reasons. 

shower dimensions

First of all, you need to be able to fit comfortably in the shower. But you also need to make sure there is plenty of room for everything else in your bathroom. These are the two main factors in choosing a shower size. 

There are other reasons, but finding one that is the right size depends on these two things. You want to be comfortable and safe. This is true for everything aspect of your home, so keep them the priorities.

Minimum Shower Dimensions

The first thing you need to take into account is the minimum shower size. While you can know the average shower size, what is important is knowing how small your shower can be. Because then you can work from there. 

The minimum shower size is 32 by 32 inches, but it is much better to make your minimum 36 by 36 inches. However, the bigger, the better when it comes to showers. As long as you don’t overdo it, of course.

If you are short on space, get the number 32 in your head because that will be your minimum. If you have plenty of space but don’t have the money, then get the number 36 in your head as 36-inch showers are still affordable. 

Standard Shower Size

 shower size

The standard shower size is 36-inches wide and 60-inches long. However, there are about a dozen “standard shower sizes” in America alone. But showers bigger than 48-inches wide or 60-inches long are very rare.

Longer showers, or even those longer than 48-inches are usually tub-shower units. Because otherwise, the standard sizes are as follows: 32″ x 32″, 34″ x 34″, 36″ x 36″, 42′ x 36″, 48″ x 36″, and 48″ x 48″.

Shower Stall Dimensions 

standard shower size

A shower stall can refer to any type of closed-in shower. But it generally refers to a shower that has been sunk into the wall. The size for this type of shower doesn’t change by much but it can look different. 

Generally, the sunken shower or built-in shower is 36-inches wide or around 60inches wide. It depends on if it has a bathtub in it or not. But most shower stalls that are built-in are also highly customizable. 

Corner Shower Size

Image from Root Architecture

When it comes to corner showers, the size doesn’t really change. This is because most of the time, the corner shower is still square. It can be arched, and this does change the size, but not usually by enough to matter. 

When it is curved or cut off on the corner, it generally means that the shower base has to be wider. Like 42-inches instead of 36-inches wide. This gives more room length wise to make up for the corner that was lost.

Other Shower Dimensions

It’s not just the shower size that matters, but the size of everything else that makes up the shower. Let’s go over some common dimensions that can help you plan better for custom showers with these few notes.

These are simply guidelines. Although they do affect the overall look and safeness of your bathroom, they are primarily sized due to convenience. So find out what is convenient for your family above all. 

Shower Door

The shower door size matters a lot because if it is too small it is nearly impossible for everyone to get in and out. But if it is too large, you risk slips and other accidents associated with not having anything to hold onto.

The standard shower door is between 22-inches and 36-inches. Any narrower, and it can be very uncomfortable. You can go a few inches wider, however, but if you do, an extra panel will be needed to make things safe. 

Related: What’s The Ideal Height And Design For a Shower Niche?

Shower Head

The showerhead size isn’t important and doesn’t affect hardly anything. But the distance of the showerhead to the floor and to the controls does matter. The standard showerhead height is about 80″ which is both safe and comfortable.

But the minimum height for a showerhead is usually 72″ and shouldn’t be shorter than that. If your ceilings are low, you can get by with less than 80″ but any less than 72″ is bound to come with troubles. 

Shower Controls

The shower controls are also known as the shower valve. Shower valve heights can vary but are usually between 30-50 inches above the floor. Adjusting this number doesn’t affect the safety 90% of the time.

For tub-shower units, the height can be just a few inches about the tub or directly on the tub as part of the faucet. You can get hybrid valves that work with the tub or get an entirely separate one to control at a higher spot.

Shower Bar

The shower bar is the bar in the shower that you use to hold onto to steady yourself, which can be important for anyone. Not all showers have them but they can be very useful for hanging your washcloth, loofa, and more. But it is primarily for support.

Around 30-48 inches is usually good. This may be a large range but it’s because what it needs to be relative to is your height. Have the person in question put their hand out as if holding onto a bar and go from there.

Shower Bench

Shower benches are uncommon but they can be installed in any shower. They offer a great place to sit when tired or when you need to shave your legs comfortably. Shower benches do vary in size though.

Most of them are around 18-inches tall which is comfortable for most people. But the length caries. For chairs, they are around 15-inches but for benches, they need to be at least twice that long, preferably the length of the shower. 

How Much Does A Shower Cost?

The cost of a shower varies depending on the type of shower you get and the brand of shower that you get. Most of the time, the cost of installation is around double the cost of materials, but the prices always vary.

Sometimes, installation costs more than double the price of materials. In this case, trying to install the shower yourself may be better. But never do so unless you are confident you can do so safely and securely. 

Walk-In Shower

Walk-in showers are large and highly customizable. They can cost anywhere from $1000 to $10,000 to build. Because they’re so large and require a lot of materials, they take longer as well and the labor costs are high.

But the main cost is the material that you use. If you use tile of some sort, you will pay more than if you used fiberglass or some other cheaper option. This is something that will need to be discussed with your contractor. 

Tiled Shower

Tiled showers are showers that have a tile backer board that is covered in tile along with tiled floors. The cost is an average of $10 to $20 per square foot to install. But this all depends on the type of tile you use.

Ceramic tiles have a large price range with tiles costing anywhere from $1 to $20 per square foot. Porcelain tiles cost $3 to $8 per square foot. Stone tiles cost $5 and $50 per square foot. Then glass tiles can cost anywhere from $10 to $50 per square foot. 

Pre-Built Shower

This is your cheapest way to go. The installation cost for a pre-fab shower is very reasonable. They generally cost less than $500 for the unit itself. Unless you buy marble or acrylic ones, then you may pay closer to $1000.

But when it comes to installation, unless the plumbing is intricate, you won’t pay more than a few hundred dollars. In fact, many people choose to DIY their pre-built showers because installation is so easy. 

Tub-Shower Unit

The price to put in a tub-shower unit averages out at less than $4,000. This is for a $500 to $2,000 bathtub and a $500 to $1,000 surround. Then, an extra thousand or so for installation. But that investment might come around.

Houses with bathtubs sell better than those without them. Because not very many people don’t want a bathtub but a lot of people do want one. Especially those with children. A tub-shower unit is the way to go for families.

The Right Shower Size For You

Finding the right shower size isn’t as easy as 1-2-3. You need to think about your family, your bathroom size, and the style of shower you want. Do you want a large tub with a shower overhead? Or maybe a separate shower?

It’s important to leave enough space in your bathroom to walk and get dressed as well. So never cut yourself short on space in order to have a larger shower. Stick with the 36-inch minimum and work from there. 

If you can work with 32-inches then go for it. Don’t go less than that! As for a shower that is too big…that doesn’t truly exist. As long as the shower doors are safe and you have support, then you are creatively free. 

The post Shower Dimensions: Standard Shower Size appeared first on Home Decorating Trends - Homedit.

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