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Salmon Color: Meaning and Uses

Salmon is a range of pink-orange to orange-pinkish colors. It resembles the color of the flesh of salmon fish, which varies from white to orange. Salmon color is associated with feelings of warmth, comfort, and serenity. Its muted, soothing tones create a sense of calm, making it an emotionally comforting hue.

Salmon Color: Meaning and Uses

Color Hex Code RGB Color Code CMYK Color Code (%)
Salmon #FF8C69 255, 140, 105 0, 45, 59, 0

History of Salmon Color

The term “salmon” was first used as a color name in the 18th century. Before that, various shades of pink and orange were often described as “salmon-colored.”

In Native American cultures, salmon was a symbol of life and sustenance. The fish’s distinct color inspired artistic representations and symbolized abundance and renewal.

In European art during the Rococo period, Salmon color was used in portraits and canvases to convey elegance and femininity. It became popular in the 20th century for clothing and home decor due to the influence of Art Deco and Flapper styles.

In the 1950s, salmon-colored clothing and accessories were common, reflecting the era’s fascination with pastel and muted tones.

The salmon color made a comeback in interior design during the 1980s and 1990s, often paired with soft blues and mint greens. It also became a staple in vintage-inspired decor. Salmon color is popular in art, fashion, branding, and interior design.

Psychological and Emotional Associations of Salmon

Psychological and Emotional Associations of Salmon

Salmon is often linked to feelings of love, empathy, and compassion. These qualities make it ideal for settings where emotional connection is essential. Salmon’s orange and pink tones evoke creativity, optimism, and playfulness.

Salmon stimulates energy and increases heartbeat, pulse rate, and respiration. It also encourages confidence and action. Shades of salmon with strong orange tones induce excitement and are used to grab attention.

Overall, the salmon color invites us to embrace the softer, more affectionate aspects of our emotional experiences.

Shades of Salmon Color

Salmon Pink

Shade Hex Code RGB Color Code CMYK Color Code (%)
Salmon Pink #FF91A4 255, 145, 164 0, 43, 36, 0

Salmon pink is a pale, pastel pink with warm peachy undertones. It has slight orange tones and a soft, subtle appearance that induces calmness.


Shade Hex Code RGB Color Code CMYK Color Code (%)
Terracotta #E2725B 226, 114, 91 0, 50, 60, 11

Terracotta is a deep burnt orange shade with brown undertones. It ranges from intense reddish-brown shades with orange undertones to shades of peach and pink with tan and gray undertones.


Shade Hex Code RGB Color Code CMYK Color Code (%)
Coral #FF7F50 255, 127, 80 0, 50, 69, 0

Coral is warm with pinkish tones. It’s bold and brighter and has more pronounced orange undertones.

Salmon Red

Shade Hex Code RGB Color Code CMYK Color Code (%)
Salmon Red #EC6C5B 236, 108, 91 0, 54, 61, 7

Salmon red is deeper and more saturated. It retains the warmth and vibrancy of salmon but has a richer and more pronounced red undertone.

Light Salmon

Shade Hex Code RGB Color Code CMYK Color Code (%)
Light Salmon #FFA07A 255, 160, 122 0, 37, 52, 0

Light salmon is a paler and more pastel version of the traditional salmon hue. It has subtle pink and peach undertones with a soft, soothing appearance.

Dark Salmon

Shade Hex Code RGB Color Code CMYK Color Code (%)
Dark Salmon #E9967A 233, 150, 122 0, 36, 48, 9

Dark salmon is a more intense shade. It’s richer, bolder, with stronger red undertones than salmon color.

Colors That Go With Salmon Color

Colors That Go With Salmon Color

Analogous Salmon Colors

The analogous colors for salmon color are:

Shade Hex Code RGB Color Code CMYK Color Code (%)
Light Pink #FF6991 255, 105, 145 0, 59, 43, 0
Light Orange #FFD769 255, 215, 105 0, 16, 59, 0
Mauve #E0B0FF 224, 176, 255 12, 31, 0, 0
Gold Metallic #D4AF37 212, 175, 55 0, 17, 74, 17

Complementary Salmon Colors

Shade Hex Code RGB Color Code CMYK Color Code (%)
Salmon #FF8C69 255, 140, 105 0, 45, 59, 0
Light Cyan #69DCFF 105, 220, 255 59, 14, 0, 0
Mint Green #98FF98 152, 255, 152 40, 0, 40, 0
Navy Blue #000080 0, 0, 128 100, 100, 0, 50
Teal #008080 0, 128, 128 100, 0, 0, 50

When salmon is paired with complementary colors, they create contrast and stand out.

Monochromatic Salmon Colors

Shade Hex Code RGB Color Code CMYK Color Code (%)
Salmon #FF8C69 255, 140, 105 0, 45, 59, 0
Pale Reddish-Pink #FFD7CB 255, 215, 203 0, 16, 20, 0
Dark Red #2E0B00 46, 11, 0 0, 76, 100, 82

Monochromatic colors include lighter and darker shades of salmon color, creating a well-balanced palette.

Triadic Salmon Colors

Shade Hex Code RGB Color Code CMYK Color Code (%)
Salmon #FF8C69 255, 140, 105 0, 45, 59, 0
Light Lime Green #69FF8C 105, 255, 140 59, 0, 45, 0
Light Blue #8C69FF 140, 105, 255 45, 59, 0, 0
Emerald Green #50C878 80, 200, 120 50, 0, 4, 11
Light Turquoise #70E2D9 112, 226, 217 60, 0, 40, 22

Triadic colors are equally spaced around the color wheel, creating an appealing and vibrant effect.

Uses and Applications of Salmon Color

Salmon Color in Contemporary Culture

  • Fashion: Salmon is used in the fashion industry for clothing, accessories, and footwear. Its light and refreshing qualities make it perfect for spring and summer collections.
  • Interior Design: Salmon color is applied to walls, furniture, and decor elements. Incorporate salmon cushions, curtains, and rugs to create a vibrant space.
  • Accessories and Jewelry: Salmon-colored gemstones or materials like coral are used in jewelry and accessories.
  • Culinary and Food Presentation: Salmon color is used in food presentation and plating. It complements various dishes, especially seafood.

Salmon Color in Art and Events

  • Art and Painting: Artists use salmon color to add warmth and nostalgia to their artworks. It’s often employed in landscapes, portraits, and still-life compositions to convey a specific mood or atmosphere.
  • Weddings: Salmon is often chosen as a wedding color due to its romantic and soothing qualities. It can be used in wedding decorations, flowers, bridesmaid dresses, and stationery.
  • Stationery: Salmon-colored stationery, like greeting cards and envelopes, is popular for invitations, thank-you notes, and announcements.

Salmon Color in Branding

  • Packaging: Salmon is used in product packaging, especially for items related to beauty, cosmetics, and luxury. It conveys elegance in product presentation.
  • Graphic Design: Graphic designers use salmon in branding, logos, websites, and marketing materials. The color conveys warmth, friendliness, and a modern aesthetic.
  • Marketing and Advertising: Salmon is used in marketing and advertising materials to capture attention and create a positive, cheerful image. It’s often seen in product packaging, advertisements, and promotional materials.

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