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What Color Is Bordeaux?

Bordeaux is a deep, rich, and dark shade of red wine. It’s named after the wine produced in the Bordeaux region of France. Bordeaux is often described as a deep burgundy or maroon with purple or brown undertones.

What Color Is Bordeaux?

Properties of Bordeaux


Bordeaux’s hue (pure color) is a deep and dark shade of red wine. It’s a rich color often described as a deep burgundy or maroon.

Bordeaux has a strong presence of red with purple and brown undertones. The undertones give it a complex appearance. Bordeaux, however, falls within the spectrum of deep reds with a touch of darkness and warmth.


The saturation of Bordeaux refers to its intensity or purity. Bordeaux is a highly saturated, vibrant color with a deep and strong presence. It’s not a muted or washed-out shade of red but rather a bold and intense hue.

The high saturation of Bordeaux contributes to its luxurious and eye-catching appearance. Therefore, it’s ideal for creating dramatic and impactful color schemes.


The brightness of Bordeaux refers to its lightness or darkness. Bordeaux is a darker shade of red, leaning towards the darker end of the color spectrum. It has a low brightness level, which makes it appear closer to black or dark gray than pure white.

Bordeaux is generally characterized by a deep and subdued brightness, adding to its allure and intensity. The brightness level of Bordeaux varies depending on the specific shade or variation, lighting, and surrounding colors.

Historical Significance and Symbolism of Bordeaux

Bordeaux derives its name from the eponymous French wine. The first use of the term ‘Bordeaux’ referring to a color was in 1891.

The Bordeaux color had different names in different countries before its association with the wine. The Russians referred to this shade of red as chermny.

Bordeaux in Various Color Models

RGB Color Model

RGB is an additive color model in which you combine red, green, and blue light to reproduce colors. The red channel has the highest intensity as it’s the dominant color in Bordeaux.

Bordeaux has an RGB red value of 123, a green value of 0, and a blue value of 44. You’ll minimize the green channel to 0 to eliminate the green component. The blue channel, on the other hand, contributes a secondary hue to capture the depth of Bordeaux.

CMYK Color Model

CMYK is a subtractive color model used in color printing (Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, and Key/Black). Bordeaux corresponds to 0% Cyan, 99% Magenta, 65% Yellow, and 64% Black.

HSL/HSV Color Model

HSL is an alternative additive cylindrical-coordinate representation of the RGB color model using Hue, Saturation, and Lightness. In the HSV model, Lightness is replaced with Value. The Hue value of its HSL is 338.54, Saturation value is 1, and Lightness value is 0.24.

Bordeaux in Color Schemes & Compositions

Monochromatic Color Schemes

Shade RGB Color Code Hex Code CMYK Color Code (%)
Moderate Red 76, 28, 36 #BC495C 0, 61, 51, 26
Dark Red 139, 0, 0 #8B0000 27, 100, 100, 34
Bordeaux 76, 28, 36 #4C1C24 0, 63, 53, 70

A monochromatic color palette combines tones, tints, and shades of a single color. They provide a conservative and subtle aesthetic.

Complementary Color Schemes

Shade RGB Color Code Hex Code CMYK Color Code (%)
Midnight Green 28, 76, 76 #1C4C44 63, 0, 0, 70
Bordeaux 76, 28, 36 #4C1C24 0, 63, 53, 70

Complementary colors sit on opposite sides of the color wheel. Combining these colors produces a high-contrast color scheme. Bordeaux and midnight green are suitable for creating a striking yet calm color scheme.

Analogous Color Schemes

Shade RGB Color Code Hex Code CMYK Color Code (%)
Dark Orange 188, 68, 36 #BC4424 19, 82, 92, 9
Dark Pink 105, 22, 57 #4C1C3C 37, 97, 39, 52
Bordeaux 76, 28, 36 #4C1C24 0, 63, 53, 70

Analogous colors sit next to each other on a color wheel. An analogous palette can be generated by increasing or decreasing the hue value by 30 points.

Triadic and Tetradic Color Schemes

Shade RGB Color Code Hex Code CMYK Color Code (%)
Dark Lime Green 65, 163, 23 #41A317 100, 32, 38, 39
Dark Blue 28, 36, 76 #1C244C 75, 6, 100, 1
Bordeaux 76, 28, 36 #4C1C24 0, 63, 53, 70

The triadic color palette has three colors separated by 120° in the RGB color wheel. The tetradic color scheme comprises two sets of complementary colors on the color wheel.

Popular Shades of Bordeaux

Popular Shades of Bordeaux


Shade RGB Color Code Hex Code CMYK Color Code (%)
Maroon 128, 0, 0 #800000 0, 100, 100, 50

Maroon is a dark, reddish-brown shade that shares similarities with Bordeaux. It’s a deep and warm color ranging from a rich reddish hue to a darker brownish tone. Maroon is often associated with elegance and maturity.


Shade RGB Color Code Hex Code CMYK Color Code (%)
Burgundy 50.2, 0, 12.5 #800020 0, 100, 75, 50

Burgundy is a shade closely related to Bordeaux. It’s a deep, dark red color with hints of purple or brown. While similar to Bordeaux, burgundy may have slightly different undertones or variations in intensity.


Shade RGB Color Code Hex Code CMYK Color Code (%)
Merlot 84, 30, 27 #541E1B 0, 64, 68, 67

Merlot is a shade named after the red wine grape variety. It’s a dark red color with a lighter and brighter tone compared to Bordeaux. Merlot leans towards the red side of the spectrum, with less purple or brown undertones.


Shade RGB Color Code Hex Code CMYK Color Code (%)
Claret 129, 19, 49 #811331 0, 85, 62, 49

Claret is another popular shade closely related to Bordeaux. It refers to a deep, dark red color with a purplish undertone, similar to red wine from the Bordeaux region. Claret is often used as a synonym for Bordeaux in the context of color.


Shade RGB Color Code Hex Code CMYK Color Code (%)
Garnet 97, 12, 4 #610C04 0, 88, 96, 62

Garnet is a deep, rich shade of red that shares some similarities with Bordeaux. It’s named after the gemstone of the same name, which often exhibits a dark red color. Garnet is typically described as a dark, purplish-red hue with hints of brown or burgundy.

While Bordeaux has more pronounced purple or brown undertones, garnet leans towards a deep red.

Colors That Go With Bordeaux

Bordeaux’s Uses and Applications

Bordeaux is a versatile color that’s easy to pair with other hues for different visual effects. Here are some colors that go well with Bordeaux:


Shade RGB Color Code Hex Code CMYK Color Code (%)
Gold 255, 215, 0 #FFD700 0, 16, 100, 0

A gold and Bordeaux combination creates a luxurious color palette. The gold color adds warmth to Bordeaux, enhancing its richness and depth.


Shade RGB Color Code Hex Code CMYK Color Code (%)
Beige 245, 245, 220 #F5F5DC 0, 0, 10, 4

Cream or beige tones provide a soft contrast to Bordeaux. This combination creates a classic color scheme that exudes refinement.

Navy Blue

Shade RGB Color Code Hex Code CMYK Color Code (%)
Navy Blue 32, 42, 68 #202A44 94, 73, 5, 69

Bordeaux and navy blue create a striking and balanced color combination. The two colors feature deep, dark tones that complement each other, creating a harmonious look.

Olive Green

Shade RGB Color Code Hex Code CMYK Color Code (%)
Olive Green 50, 205, 50 #32CD32 76, 0, 76, 20

Bordeaux and olive green create a rich, earthy color palette. Bordeaux’s deep, warm tones pair well with the muted, natural hues of olive green.

Mustard Yellow

Shade RGB Color Code Hex Code CMYK Color Code (%)
Mustard Yellow 255, 219, 88 #E1AD01 0, 14, 65, 0

Bordeaux and mustard yellow create a bold and vibrant color palette. The deep red of Bordeaux contrasts with the warm, intense hues of mustard yellow, creating a striking and energetic combination.

Bordeaux’s Uses and Applications

Bordeaux in interior designe

In Interior Design

Bordeaux paint makes a bold statement on accent walls. It adds depth and drama to living rooms, bedrooms, and dining areas.

When creating a modern interior, use Bordeaux in upholstery fabrics like sofas, armchairs, or curtains. You could also add Bordeaux throw pillows, rugs, or draperies for a pop of color.

Bordeaux accents help tie the color scheme together and add a sense of richness and warmth to the design.

In Painting & Visual Arts

Artists use Bordeaux in portrait painting to depict rich, deep red tones. They use it to represent the color of wine and flowers.

Bordeaux is also incorporated into mixed media and collage artworks. You’ll use various materials like colored paper, fabrics, or paints. It adds depth and visual interest to the textured surfaces and layers of the artwork.

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